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Monthly Astrology Forecast for April 2024

Welcome to Pandora’s monthly astrology forecast. Here you’ll find news for the year, for the month and for dates this month when important changes are happening in our skies. You’ll also find words and videos explaining what they mean, how to handle them and how to know if they affect your chart specifically.

Pandora Astrology Monthly Forecast, February 2024 Astrology

What does the April Astrology Forecast hold in store for your Sun or Rising sign?

April Astrology Forecast:
This Month’s Planetary Movements

Faster-Moving Planets

April finds the outer planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter) all direct, ie. moving forwards, not backwards. This phenomenon of having all the outer planets direct at once is a rare one, and it’s been happening in springtime for several years running. This means spring is a good time to start big projects you want to proceed quickly and without obstruction. If you delay and wait until fall, when all or most of these planets are retrograde, you’ll find your project is beset with obstructions, logistical issues and further delays. Better to start that big thing now, while the path is clear.

Juno is still in her “Relationship Retrospection” period, and has been since January. Are you looking at your relationship history, or the history of your relationship with a more critical eye? That’s because Juno is retrograde in Virgo, and our article / video can help you cope with it. Happily, Juno goes direct on April 21st, but will remain slow (in her “shadow period”) for several weeks into May, as we process what happened during her retrogradation.

Ceres starts to slow down mid-month, preparing to go retrograde in mid-May. She will bring her usual “Financial Retrospection” period, and this time it will focus on business, career, excellence and reputation while she travels Capricorn. More on that in our video to come next month. 

Mercury goes retrograde on April 1st, remaining that way till April 25th. See the Mercury Watch section below for details and more about how Mercury Retrograde works. 

Venus starts the month in dreamy Pisces, where she loves to be, but quickly (on April 4th) moves on into Aries, a sign where she struggles. In Aries, Venus (usually socially adept) becomes brash and demanding. This can bring conflict into your relationship zone, but if you have lots of Aries in your chart, this transit can actually soften you, and make you more charming for the duration. With relief, Venus moves on into Taurus on April 29th, where she can be slow, sensual, and enjoy life. 

We’re in an eclipse season, meaning a two-week period with an eclipse at either end. It began with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra of March 25th and finishes with the Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 8th. We’ve dubbed this eclipse “The Wounded Warrior, Evolving” because of its to-the-degree precise conjunction to Chiron the Wounded Healer.” If an eclipse lands in your own chart near something big (like your Sun, Moon, Rising or Midheaven), then you’ll feel it strongly. Watch the video on this page below about these two Spring Eclipses of 2024, and as the year progresses, we’ll post a Fall Eclipses video too. 

Mars spends almost all of April slogging through Pisces, making it hard to make decisions, know what you want and take clear action. However, for the Fishes out there, this Mars transit can bring you clarity and a boost of energy and assertion. It can feel wonderful to know what you want with certainty and pursue it with vigor. 

To follow these news videos as they come out, check our Astrology News of 2024 playlist on Youtube.

How do April’s planetary movements affect you?

How do the planetary movements of the April astrology forecast affect you? Check Pandora Astrology’s horoscopes this month and watch the one for your Rising sign as well as your Sun sign. The themes of the monthly astrology forecast affect individual people in individual areas of life according to their own astrology charts. Look here to find out if and how you are affected:  Are You Currently In Transition?

Slower-Moving Planets

During 2024, Uranus is in Taurus, Neptune is in Pisces and Chiron is in Aries–exactly as they were in 2021, 2022, and 2023. However, in 2023, Saturn moved into Pisces, and Pluto moved into Aquarius. Jupiter is moving into Gemini in 2024. The video below explains what it means when a planet spends many years traveling through a sign (we call them “planetary eras”). Additionally, it summarizes where all of the heavy-hitting, slow-moving planets are in 2024.

This year, Jupiter will square Saturn and also sextile Chiron. This will allow for some powerful growth and evolution for you if you have planets in 12º – 19º of any Mutable sign (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo) or if you have a planet in Aries and being aspected by Chiron in 2023 or 2024 (that means, a planet in 17º – 21º of Aries). The video below shows you these aspects in motion and tells you how they will feel, and gives you important dates when the most potent events are likely to occur. 

For historical context of what has changed since 2020, our videos and blog posts about Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter in Aries, and Jupiter in Taurus will bring you current. For more about Outer Planetary Movements in 2024, read on through the end of our astrology forecast.

April Astrology Forecast: Mercury Watch

Mercury begins the month almost done with fiery Aries and slowing to a halt. On April 1, Mercury stations retrograde in 27º Aries, and spends the rest of the month retracing its steps through the sign of vim and vigor. Because Aries is so impatient, this may be a frustrating time. Mercury Retrograde marks a time when it’s important to be careful and lower your expectations around the efficiency of communication, technology, machinery, and local travel. You may find yourself having to face things you said that were hasty or insensitive, in the name of honesty. On April 11, Mercury conjuncts the Sun on what we call “Lesser Epiphany Day”. It is a day of illumination and insight where you can reap some of the intellectual fruits of your introspective period. On April 25, Mercury stations direct conjunct the North Node, calling you to reflect on the spiritual purpose of your words. Look here to understand the Mercury cycle: This Year’s Mercury Retrogrades

Mercury Retrogrades of 2024, in Fire Signs

On April 1, Mercury goes retrograde in brave Aries. When Mercury is retrograde in Aries, we explore our fighting spirit. We also explore our tendency to speak impulsively, as well as our ability to turn our ideas into actions.

Mercury in Aries runs on a cocktail of inspiration, excitement, and immediacy. When Mercury in Aries has an idea, he would like to communicate it to others and act on it right away. If you have Mercury in Aries, you have great leadership abilities and can rally people around your ideas. Also, you can give amazing pep talks.

Mercury retrograde periods mark times when we review and rework the area of our chart that he is traveling through. You may find yourself having new ideas, feeling impatient at the slow pace of events, and considering ways that you have miscommunicated. You may consider what has and what hasn’t been working in your communication, and how to convey inspiration and charisma.

This is the first of 2024’s three Mercury Retrograde periods. Read more about this one in the full blogpost, and watch the video below for the big picture of all 3 Mercury Retrograde periods of 2024.

April Astrology Forecast: Seasons

April begins with the Fiery Cardinal sign of Aries.  Aries encompasses the first 30 degrees of arc the sun travels through after crossing the equator. The traveling sun brings light that warms the earth up in springtime and continues north to bring summer to the northern hemisphere, leaving the southern hemisphere in winter. Life has been reborn after winter’s death and bursts forth fiercely. The pure Aries temperament is pushy, brash and self-centered, as is appropriate to this infant season of the year. Celebrate the sense of wonder your Aries friends possess, and their ability to start over. This year Aries lasts from March 20th through April 19th. 

On April 19th, the rocketlike pace of Aries relaxes into the earthy slowness of Taurus.  Flowers are blooming and the earth is showing her fecundity. The pagan festival of Beltane features the raising of the maypole, a phallic symbol of life and fertility. Fields are fertilized and crops are beginning to raise their budding heads above the ground. Taurus takes the initializing force of Aries and steadies it, bringing continuity and the capacity to finish what was started. Enjoy nature during this pastoral, earthy sign.

Is your birthday coming up?

If your birthday is coming, you’ll want your annual birthday reading (called a “Solar Return” reading) to happen in the month before your birthday–because your birthday is your Personal New Year. It’s the best time for setting resolutions, intentions and new life-directions. Get yourself in alignment with what your Greater Self wants for you this year, beginning with knowing what the plan is.

April’s Horoscopes Have Arrived

If you want to know how the planetary weather of the April 2024 astrology forecast affects your sign,
check your video horoscope here
Be sure to check your Rising sign first, then your Sun sign. 

Happy Birthday, Aries!
Here is your monthly horoscope for April:

April Astrology Forecast: 2024 Spring Eclipses, in Aries and Libra

The Eclipses of 2024 take place in Aries / Libra. We experience 4 eclipses per year. Most importantly, eclipses serve to show us our shadow. Solar Eclipses reveal our shadow via our behavior, while Lunar Eclipses do so by our subjective, internal experience. This year, the North Node in Aries calls us towards the themes of Aries. For example, directness, independence, courage to walk our own path, not caring what others think, unpretentiousness, gutsy animalism, healthy expression of anger, and action.

Conversely, the South Node in Libra urges us to release shadowy behaviors of codependence, people-pleasing, debilitating self-consciousness, superficiality, indecision, overthinking, and passive aggression. For more on the eclipses of 2024, read about it here: Eclipses This Year.

Long-Term Shifts in 2024

Beyond the monthly changes of our astrology forecast, 2024 brings some major long-term shifts to our collective consciousness. Most of these changes are occurring due to outer planetary ingresses into new signs. Usually outer planets shift signs gradually. First they begin their preliminary steps into the new sign. Then they backtrack into the former one, and so on and so forth until the planet is solidly within the next sign. Naturally, these times of transition feature elements of both signs, and highlight the zodiac’s conceptually developmental nature from Aries to Pisces. Planets undergoing shifts into a new sign this year include Pluto and Jupiter, as well as the nodal axis of Eclipses. Read on for a bit about each transition.

Pluto Enters Aquarius

The most significant transition awaiting us in 2024 is Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. That’s because Pluto is the slowest moving planet, and has been in Capricorn for the past 15 or so years. Plainly, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has been a time of serious dismantling and unearthing of toxicity and corruption in mainstream power. Pluto first entered the fixed air sign Aquarius on March 23, 2023. In 2024, Pluto will continue its slow transition into Aquarius, as it retrogrades back in Capricorn to wrap up Capricorn themes, and then back into Aquarius again.

Pluto in Aquarius will reveal and transform toxic material in the realm of politics, humanitarianism, social justice, science, technology, social media, and the internet. Similarly to how Pluto’s transit through Capricorn revealed Capricornian shadow themes, Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will highlight the dark side of Aquarius.

For a more in-depth look at this significant collective shift, read our blogpost here: Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: A Transformation of Ideals.

Jupiter Enters Gemini

Jupiter changes signs about once every year and a half. Given that, Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini is a relatively temporary shift compared to Pluto’s monumental change. However, it marks a new mini-era nonetheless. Jupiter in Gemini will bring expansion in the realm of learning, writing, information, journalism, and media. Additionally, Jupiter in Gemini brings a joy in the beauty of language and communication, as well as an interest in the diversity of experience.

Interestingly, Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini, as the expansiveness of Jupiter struggles with the minute detail of Gemini. Therefore, wordiness and an overwhelm of information may also be present. Watch for our video about this coming in June.

Is love coming your way in 2024? Due for a career break?
Find out the details of the changes coming and their very specific timing–
beyond the scope of our monthly astrology forecast
so you can prepare to turn the cosmic tides in your favor!

An astrology reading with one of Pandora's fantastic astrologers will answer your questions. pandoraastrology.com/services


Want to capture the beautiful moon on film? Here’s an article I found about how to photograph the moon on nightskypix.com.

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