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Squeezing The Sponge: A Meditation For Pisces Folk

(including a gift for you to listen to right now)

Squeezing the Sponge image 

Are you a

“highly sensitive”

Neptune person?



You know you’re one if:

  • You feel everything more than other people seem to.
  • It’s hard to shut out the world.
  • You have a rich imagination—which leads to inspiration but also to escapism.
  • You take on other people’s problems too much—and don’t know how to stop.
  • Caring for those you love is so important that you habitually let your own life go to rack and ruin so you can be there for them.

If so, I’ve got something really nice for you.

Who needs this:
Pisces/Neptune types.

Astrologically this means you if you have a strong Pisces or Neptune (ruler of Pisces) influence in your chart.  That might mean you have the Sun in Pisces, the Moon in Pisces or Pisces Rising.  It might mean you have Neptune in any aspect at all to your Sun or Moon, or you might have Neptune Rising or at your Midheaven.  If you have more than one of these, you pretty much qualify as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Psychologically this means you if you resonate with the first paragraph of this blogpost, whether you know anything about your astrology chart or not.  And if you do resonate with this, I’ll bet your chart has a strong Neptune or Pisces influence.

Why you need it:
Your sensitivity to the emotional states of others comes from your way of being porous, like a sponge.  You are impressionable—any atmosphere you place yourself in will affect you and get inside you.  You may then mistake it for a part of yourself and take it on as if it was yours.  When you live with or work with someone who generates a lot of negative emotions, this can be disastrous.

Every human being generates a kind of emotional bubble around themselves.  Some call this your “aura.”  It’s a kind of energy field.  When we relate with others, we connect with them and merge bubbles to create a shared bubble for the duration of the interaction.  Your Pisces tendency is to equalize the pain inside the shared bubble.  So if someone comes to you looking for sympathy, you will merge with them and try to ease their burden by taking their pain (of whatever kind: anger, grief, resentment, self-destruction) into your own bubble.  You sponge it right up.  It’s REALLY important to squeeze the sponge out periodically, because that negativity you’re feeling might not even be yours.  And if you get doses of negativity every day and never squeeze it out. . . well obviously that’s the cause of any number of emotional and health complaints you may have.

Here’s the meditation:
Squeezing The Sponge Meditation

How to do it:
Get in a comfortable place, sitting in a relaxed, supported position or lying down at a time when you’re not likely to fall asleep.  If you can be in a natural setting, so much the better.  Listen to the recording and follow the instructions it gives your imagination.  At the end, give yourself a minute or two to stretch and begin to slowly re-enter your day.  Do the meditation every day, at least once a day, for 30 days.

Make it a practice
You need to “squeeze the sponge out” on a regular basis.  If you’ve never had a practice like this before, begin by doing it every day, perhaps even several times a day.  After a while (weeks perhaps, or maybe months), you won’t need it as often and you may know the meditation by heart.  In that case, you won’t need the recording anymore and you’ll be able to do it faster.  Then you can do it on public transit or while waiting in line at the bank.

Turning your sensitivity into a gift, not a curse
You’re a natural healer.  You heal through compassion and other people tend to feel their burden is lifted just by being around you.  You are capable of truly understanding other people, even in places where they feel deeply misunderstood—which means you have an in with them.  You can also forgive (not everyone can).  These are beautiful traits and you may have, out of reaction to your sensitivity and out of the need to protect yourself, closed these abilities off.  If you learn to let go of the negativity you soak up, you can live life in the emotionally open way that’s natural to you, like a flower soaking up the rain and sunshine.  You can lead with the imagination, experience deep gratitude at being alive, and move on to enjoying life more and drowning in it less.  A lot less.

Notice how your life changes
Using this meditation can change your life, but not in ways that are dramatic or directly causal.  If anyone is tuned into subtleties, it’s you, so begin to pay attention to the subtle changes in your life that are already beginning to occur after the very first time you do this meditation.

Notice how changes happen in ways that don’t seem connected to this meditation, but simply unfold naturally in the fresh atmosphere it creates in your life.  Your environment will change and with it, yourself.  Watch yourself begin to really occupy your life.  Move in.  Make it yours.  Be a person.  Become you.  You don’t have to lose all the other selves you could be.  Let them roll around in your imagination.

Reclaim your intuition.  Has your intuition been drowned under all the negativity you’ve absorbed?  Have you become calcified in an attempt to protect yourself from that negativity?  It’s time to let all that go and reclaim your intuitive knowing.  This meditation will help.  It’s my gift to you.

Change your world for the better
Pisces/Neptune person, you are the Visionary, the Dreamer and the Artist.  The Force is strong with you.  Allow the fruits of your imagination to seep out into the world and create good.  This is more satisfying than anything and living in a way that protects you from the pain of others actually liberates you to do more good.  Please do, because the world needs you. . . and your dreams.

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Birthday Gift for you: 
If your birthday is approaching or recent 
and you want an empowering look at the year ahead, click to
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Birthday Reading and receive a free gift with it.


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.

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